GeoGig NetworkingΒΆ

In order for GeoGig clients to interact with a repository remotely (clone, push, pull, etc) it must be exposed over the network as a service. This can be accomplished in two different ways: through the geogig serve command or using the GeoServer plugin.

The geogig serve console command starts up an embedded HTTP server and can be used to expose either a single repository or several repositories from a single file system directory, as explained in the Web API: Serving and Managing Repositories section.

Once started, the embedded server exposes the available repositories at the http://localhost:8182/repos URL and the GeoServer plugin at the http://localhost:8080/geoserver/geogig/repos URL.

For example, cloning a repository named NaturalEarth can be executing either geogig clone http://localhost:8182/repos/NaturalEarth NaturalEarthClone or geogig clone http://localhost:8080/geoserver/geogig/repos/NaturalEarth NaturalEarthClone respectively, in order to clone the remote repository to a local folder called NaturalEarthClone

Cloning will automatically set up the remote repository URL as a remote called origin. Changes made to the local clone can be pushed to the remote by executing geogig push origin. Changes made in the remote can be pulled to the local clone by executing geogig fetch origin. See the Interacting with remote repositories section for more information on how to interact with remote repositories.

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GeoGig available on LocationTech. Website maintained by Boundless