Web API: PostGIS Import

PostGIS Import (-T)

The PostGIS import command allows for importing a data set from a PostGIS database into the working tree of a GeoGig repository.

GET /repos/<repo>/postgis/import?fidAttrib=<attributeName>[&table=<tableName>][&all=<true|false>][&add=<true|false>][&forceFeatureType=<true|false>][&alter=<true|false>][&dest=<destinationTable>][&host=<dbHost>][&port=<dbPort>][&schema=<dbSchema>][&database=<dbName>][&user=<dbUser>][&password=<dbPassword>]


fidAttrib: Mandatory. The column to use as the feature id. The values in this column should be unique.

table: Optional. The PostGIS table to import. If specified, all must be set to false. If not specified, all must be set to true.

all: Optional. If specified as true, import all tables from the PostGIS database.

add: Optional. If specified as true, only features that did not previously exist in the destination table will be imported.

forceFeatureType: Optional. If specified as true, features will be added as they are, with their original feature type.

alter: Optional. Only valid when importing a single table. If specified as true, it does not overwrite, and modifies the existing features to have the same feature type as the imported table.

dest: Optional. The name of the table to import to. If not specified, the name of the PostGIS table will be used.

host: Optional. The hostname of the PostGIS database. If not specified, localhost will be used.

port: Optional. The port of the PostGIS database. If not specified, 5432 will be used.

schema: Optional. The schema of the PostGIS database. If not specified, public will be used.

database: Optional. The name of the PostGIS database. If not specified, database will be used.

user: Optional. The name of the user to connect to the PostGIS database with. If not specified, postgres will be used.

password: Optional. The password to connect to the PostGIS database with. If not specified, no password will be used.


Import a table from a PostGIS database

$ curl -v "http://localhost:8182/repos/repo1/postgis/import?fidAttrib=fid&table=postgis_multipoly&database=postgis" | xmllint --format -
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <description>postgis import table postgis_multipoly into repository: file:/data/repos/7a4b140f-0703-43bc-942a-dfc60da9f3eb/.geogig/</description>
  <atom:link xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" rel="alternate" href="http://localhost:8182/tasks/1.xml" type="application/xml"/>

$ curl -v "http://localhost:8182/tasks/1.xml" | xmllint --format -
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <description>postgis import table postgis_multipoly into repository: file:/data/repos/7a4b140f-0703-43bc-942a-dfc60da9f3eb/.geogig/</description>
  <atom:link xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" rel="alternate" href="http://localhost:8182/tasks/1.xml" type="application/xml"/>


Imported data will be on the working tree of the transaction. To commit the data to the repository, use the Add (-T) and Commit (-T) commands before ending the transaction.

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