Web-API Documentation

This will walk you through GeoGig’s web-API and all of its currently supported functionality. This doc also assumes that you already know what any given command does, this is strictly how to use these commands.

If you don’t already have the GeoGig source from GitHub and a GeoGig repository set up do that first. Next, to get the web-API up and running after you have built the latest GeoGig, cd into your repository and run geogig serve. This will set up a jetty server for your repository and give you access to the web-API. Now you just need to open up a web browser and go to localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/log to make sure the server starts up. After you have gotten the web server up and running, you can test any of the commands listed here.

Some commands have options that are required for that command to work. These commands will have a (-R) next to them. Any options that have notes associated with them have an asterisk next to them.


All web-API command response are formatted for xml by default, however you can get a JSON response by adding output_format=JSON to the URL parameters.


All web-API commands have a variable at the top of the response indicating success or failure, so you can still have a 200 status on the request and have a failure. This can happen when the command runs into an internal error.


Parameters can be supplied to the various commands through URL encoding, JSON, or XML.

  • URL Encoded
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/config?name=user.name&value=John%20Doe"
  • JSON
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"user.name","value":"John Doe"}' "http://localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/config"
  • XML
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d "<params><name>user.name</name><value>John Doe</value></params>" "http://localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/config"


Many web-API commands have transaction support to allow multiple users to change the state of the repository without compromising stability. This works by beginning a transaction, which will generate a unique transaction ID. This ID can then be passed to many web-API commands so that all work done by that command will affect only that transaction. After you are done with everything on the transaction you can then end that transaction to merge those changes into the base repository. Some commands require a transaction to preserve the stability of the repository. Those that require it will have (-T) next to the name of the command in this doc. To perform a command on a transaction, simply supply the transaction ID via the transactionId parameter.

  • BeginTransaction

    Currently-supported options:



    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/beginTransaction


    Returns the ID of the transaction that was started.
  • EndTransaction (-T)

    Currently-supported options:

    1. cancel - set true to abort all changes made in this transaction

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/endTransaction?cancel=true&transactionId=id


    Returns nothing if it succeeded or the transaction ID if it failed.


If there were conflicting changes on the base repository when ending a transaction, this endpoint will return those conflicts. They must be resolved before attempting to end the transaction again.

Porcelain commands supported

  • Add (-T)

    Currently Supported Options:

    1. path - the path to the feature you want to add

      Type: String

      Default: null


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/add?path=tree/fid&transactionId=id


    Returns whether or not the add succeeded.
  • Blame

    Currently-supported options:

    1. commit - the branch or commit to blame from

      Type: String

      Default: null

    2. path (-R) - the path of the feature

      Type: String

      Default: null


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/blame?path=pathToFeature&commit=commitId


    Returns all of the attribute values of a feature and the commit within which they were last changed.
  • Branch

    Currently-supported options:

    1. list (-R) - set true to list any branches

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    2. remotes - set true to list remote branches

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/branch?list=true&remote=true


    Returns a list of all the branches on the repo, if remote is specified, it lists remote branches and the name of the remote they belong to.
  • Checkout (-T)

    Currently Supported Options:

    1. branch* - the name of the branch to checkout

      Type: String

      Default: null

    2. ours* - set true to use “our” version of the feature specified

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    3. theirs* - set true to use “their” version of the feature specified

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    4. path* - the path to the feature that will be updated

      Type: String

      Default: null


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/checkout?branch=master&transactionId=id


    Returns the branch you were on and the branch you checked out, if path was specified it returns the path and the strategy chosen.


You must specify either branch OR path, not both. If path is specified then you MUST specify either “ours” or “theirs”.

  • Commit (-T)

    Currently Supported Options:

    1. message - the message for this commit

      Type: String

      Default: null

    2. all - set true to commit everything in the working tree

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    3. authorName - the author of the commit

      Type: String

      Default: null

    4. authorEmail - the email of the the author of the commit

      Type: String

      Default: null


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/commit?authorName=John&authorEmail=john@example.com&message=something&all=true&transactionId=id


    Returns the commit ID and a count of the things that were added, changed, and deleted.
  • Diff

    Currently-supported options:

    1. oldRefSpec (-R) - the old ref spec to diff against

      Type: String

      Default: null

    2. newRefSpec - the new ref spec to diff against

      Type: String

      Default: null

    3. pathFilter - a path to filter by

      Type: String

      Default: null

    4. showGeometryChanges - true to show geometry changes

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    5. page - the page number to build the response

      Type: Integer

      Default: 0

    6. show - the number of elements to display per page in the response

      Type: Integer

      Default: 30


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/diff?oldRefSpec=commitId1&newRefSpec=commitId2&showGeometryChanges=true&show=100


    Returns the path of the feature before and after, as well as the object ID before and after. If showGeometryChanges is specified, it will also return the geometry of the feature.
  • Fetch

    Currently-supported options:

    1. prune - set true to prune remote tracking branches locally that no longer exist

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    2. all - set true to fetch from all remotes

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    3. remote* - the remote to fetch from

      Type: String

      Default: origin


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/fetch?prune=true&remote=origin


    Returns the name of the remote, the branch name before and after, and the value before and after.


If remote is not specified it will try to fetch from a remote named origin.

  • Log

    Currently-supported options:

    1. limit - the number of commits to print

      Type: Integer

      Default: null

    2. offset - the offset to start listing at

      Type: Integer

      Default: null

    3. path - a list of paths to filter commits by

      Type: List<String>

      Default: Empty List

    4. since - the start commit ID to list commits

      Type: String

      Default: null

    5. until - the end commit ID to list commits

      Type: String

      Default: null

    6. sinceTime - the start time to list commits from

      Type: String

      Default: null

    7. untilTime - the end time to list commits from

      Type: String

      Default: null

    8. page - the page number to build the response

      Type: Integer

      Default: 0

    9. show - the number of elements to display per page in the response

      Type: Integer

      Default: 30

    10. firstParentOnly - set true to only show the first parent of a commit

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    11. countChanges - if true, each commit will include a count of each change type compared to its first parent

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    12. returnRange - set true to show only the first and last commit of the log, as well as a count of the commits in the range

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    13. summary* - if true, returns all changes from each commit

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/log?path=treeName&firstParentOnly=true
    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/log?summary=true&path=treeName&output_format=csv


    Returns a list of the commits within a given range. If countChanges is specified, it also returns the number of adds, modifies, and deletes for each commit. If summary with CSV output format is specified, it prompts for download a summary file of changes for each commit in CSV format.


You can get the summary downloaded as a CSV file by specifying output_format=csv, this is the only option in the web-API that supports this format.

  • Merge (-T)

    Currently-supported options:

    1. noCommit - true to merge without creating a commit afterwards

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    2. commit* (-R) - the branch or commit to merge into the currently checked out ref

      Type: String

      Default: null

    3. authorName - the author of the merge commit

      Type: String

      Default: null

    4. authorEmail - the email of the author of the merge commit

      Type: String

      Default: null


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/merge?commit=branch1&noCommit=true&transactionId=id


    Returns the object ID of both branches being merged and the common ancestor's ID as well as the merge commit ID, if one was made, the number of conflicts there were, if there were any, and the list of changes that resulted from the merge.


You can also pass a ref name for the commit option, instead of a commit hash.

  • Pull

    Currently-supported options:

    1. remoteName* - the name of the remote to pull from

      Type: String

      Default: origin

    2. all - true to fetch all

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    3. ref* - the ref to pull

      Type: String

      Default: Currently Checked Out Branch

    4. authorName - the author of the merge commit

      Type: String

      Default: null

    5. authorEmail - the email of the author of the merge commit

      Type: String

      Default: null


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/pull?remoteName=origin&all=true&ref=master:master


    Returns the result of Fetch, the remote name, the ref name, the number of adds, modifies and removes and the merge result if one was made.


If you don’t specify the remoteName it will try to pull from a remote named origin. Also, if ref is not specified it will try to pull the currently checked out branch. The ref option should be in this format remoteref:localref, with the localref portion being optional. If you should opt out of specifying the localref it will just use the same name as the remoteref.

  • Push

    Currently-supported options:

    1. all - true to push all refs

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    2. ref* - the ref to push

      Type: String

      Default: Currently Checked Out Branch

    3. remoteName* - the name of the remote to push to

      Type: String

      Default: origin


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/push?ref=master:master&remoteName=origin


    Returns whether or not it succeeded in pushing data.


If you don’t specify the remoteName it will try to push to a remote named origin. Also, if ref is not specified it will try to push the currently checked out branch. The ref option should be in this format localref:remoteref, with the remoteref portion being optional. If you should opt out of specifying the remoteref it will just use the same name as the localref.

  • Remote

    Currently-supported options:

    1. list* - true to list the names of your remotes

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    2. remove - true to remove the given remote

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    3. ping - true to ping the given remote

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    4. update - true to update the given remote

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    5. verbose - true to show more info for each repo

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    6. remoteName* - the name of the remote to add or remove

      Type: String

      Default: null

    7. newName - the new name of the remote to update

      Type: String

      Default: null

    8. remoteURL - the URL to the repo to make a remote

      Type: String

      Default: null

    9. username - the username to access the remote

      Type: String

      Default: null

    10. password - the password to access the remote

      Type: String

      Default: null


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/remote?list=true&verbose=true
    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/remote?remove=true&remoteName=origin
    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/remote?remoteName=origin&remoteURL=urlToRepo.com
    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/remote?ping=true&remoteName=origin
    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/remote?update=true&newName=origin&remoteName=remote1&remoteURL=urlToRepo.com


    Returns a list of remotes. If verbose was specified, it returns the remote url and username. If ping was specified, it returns whether or not the ping was a success. If remove was specified, it returns the name of the remote that was removed If update was specified, it returns the name of the remote that was updated If a remote was created, it returns the name of the new remote.
  • Remove (-T)

    Currently-supported options:

    1. path (-R) - the path to the feature to be removed

      Type: String

      Default: null

    2. recursive - true to remove a tree and all features under it

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/remove?path=treeName/fid&transactionId=id
    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/remove?path=treeName&recursive=true&transactionId=id


    Returns the path that was deleted.
  • Status

    Currently Supported Options:

    1. limit - the number of staged and unstaged changes to make

      Type: Integer

      Default: 50

    2. offset - the offset to start listing staged and unstaged changes

      Type: Integer

      Default: 0


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/status?limit=100


    Returns the branch name of the currently checked out branch as well as a list of the staged, unstaged, and unmerged features.
  • Tag

    Currently Supported Options:

    1. name (-R) - name of tag, used when creating and deleting tags

      Type: String

      Default: null

    2. message (-R) - message of tag, used when creating tags

      Type: String

      Default: null

    3. commit (-R) - ref spec of commit that the tag should point to, used when creating tags

      Type: String

      Default: null


    1. List all tags

      GET localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/tag

      Outputs a list of all tags.

    2. Delete a tag

      DELETE localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/tag?name=TagToDelete

      Outputs the information of the deleted tag.

    3. Create a new tag

      PUT localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/tag?name=MyNewTag&commit=master&message=MyMessage

      Outputs the information of the newly created tag.

  • Version

    Currently-supported options:



    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/version


    Returns all of the version information for your version of GeoGig.

Plumbing Commands Supported

  • FeatureDiff

    Currently-supported options:

    1. path (-R) - the path to feature

      Type: String

      Default: null

    2. newTreeish* - the ID or branch name of the newer commit

      Type: String

      Default: ObjectId.NULL

    3. oldTreeish* - the ID or branch name of the older commit

      Type: String

      Default: ObjectId.NULL

    4. all - set true to show all attributes not just changed ones

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/featurediff?path=treeName/fid&newTreeish=commitId1&oldTreeish=commitId2


    Returns the list of attributes for that feature with the before and after values, the changetype, and, if it is the geometry, it returns the CRS with it.


If no newTreeish is specified, then it will use the commit that HEAD is pointing to. If no oldTreeish is specified, then it will assume you want the diff to include the initial commit.

  • LsTree

    Currently Supported Options:

    1. showTree - true to display trees in the response

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    2. onlyTree - true to display only trees in the response

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    3. recursive - true to recurse through the trees

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    4. verbose - true to print out the type, metadataId and Id of the object

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    5. path* - reference to start at

      Type: String

      Default: null


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/ls-tree?showTree=true&recursive=true&verbose=true


    Returns the path to each node and, if verbose is specified, it returns the metadataId, type, and objectId.


If path is not specified it will use the WORK_HEAD.

  • RebuildGraph

    Currently Supported Options:

    1. quiet - If true, limit the output of the command

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/rebuildgraph?quiet=true


    Returns the number of updated graph elements. If quiet is not specified, it returns the objectId of each updated node.
  • RefParse

    Currently-supported options:

    1. name (-R) - the name of the ref to parse

      Type: String

      Default: null


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/refparse?name=master


    Returns the ref name and objectId. If it is a symbolic ref, it returns the target as well.
  • UpdateRef

    Currently-supported options:

    1. name (-R) - the name of the ref to update

      Type: String

      Default: null

    2. delete* - true to delete this ref

      Type: Boolean

      Default: false

    3. newValue* - the new value to change the ref to

      Type: String

      Default: ObjectId.NULL


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/updateref?name=master&newValue=branch1


    Returns the same things as ref parse


You must specify either delete OR newValue for the command to work.

Web-API Specific

  • GetCommitGraph

    The purpose of the GetCommitGraph function is to traverse the entire commit graph. It starts at the specified commitId and works its way down the graph to either the initial commit or the specified depth. Since it traverses the actual commit graph, unlike log, it will display multiple parents and will list every single commit that runs down each parents history.

    Currently-supported options:

    1. depth - the depth to search to

      Type: Integer

      Default: 0

    2. commitId (-R) - the ID of the commit to start at

      Type: String

      Default: ObjectId.NULL

    3. page - the page number to build the response

      Type: Integer

      Default: 0

    4. show - the number of elements to list per page

      Type: Integer

      Default: 30


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/getCommitGraph?show=100


    Returns the same format as log.
  • ResolveConflict (-T)

    This command is used to resolve a conflict at the provided path with the provided feature objectId. This can be used in conjunction with the output response of a MergeFeature request.

    Currently-supported options:

    1. path (-R) - the path to the feature you want to add

      Type: String

      Default: null

    2. objectid (-R) - the object ID of the feature

      Type: String

      Default: null


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/resolveconflict?path=pathToFeature&objectid=featureObjectId


    Returns whether or not it resolved successfully.
  • RevertFeature (-T)

    This command can be used to revert the changes to a single feature in a commit.

    Currently-supported options:

    1. authorName - the author of the merge commit

      Type: String

      Default: null

    2. authorEmail - the email of the author of the merge commit

      Type: String

      Default: null

    3. commitMessage - the commit message for the revert

      Type: String

      Default: null

    4. mergeMessage - the message for the merge of the revert commit

      Type: String

      Default: null

    5. newCommitId (-R) - the commit that contains the version of the feature that we want to undo

      Type: String

      Default: null

    6. oldCommitId (-R) - the commit that contains the version of the feature to revert to

      Type: String

      Default: null

    7. path (-R) - the path to the feature you want to revert

      Type: String

      Default: null


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/revertfeature?authorName=John&authorEmail=John@example.com&commitMessage="Reverted Feature"&mergeMessage="Merge of reverted feature"&newCommitId=commitId1&oldCommitId=commitId2&path=pathToFeature


    Returns the same format as Merge.

Repo Commands

These commands can be used by using the repos/<repo name>/repo/ endpoint, instead of the standard repos/<repo name>/ endpoint.


The output format for all repo commands is plain text.

  • MergeFeature

    This endpoint can be used to merge two features into a new one. It will return the ObjectId of the new feature when the operation completes. This endpoint must be accessed by using a POST request that contains a JSON object to tell GeoGig how to merge the feature. The following is an example of the JSON POST data to merge a feature with three attributes.

      path: 'featureType/feature',
      ours: 'commitId that contains the left feature',
      theirs: 'commitId that contains the right feature',
      merges: {
         attr1: {
             ours: true // use the value from the left feature
         attr2: {
             theirs: true // use the value from the right feature
         attr3: {
             value: 'custom value' // use our own value


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/repo/mergefeature


    Returns the ID of the merged feature.
  • Manifest

    This endpoint can be used to get a list of all refs in the repository and what they point to. Similar to the branch command with the list option from above.


    localhost:8182/repos/<repo name>/repo/manifest


    Returns the list of refs and the IDs they point to.


The main concern with the web-API currently is that it doesn’t have any kind of authentication on it, which means that anyone with the url can potentially destroy your repo or steal you data with commands like updateref and pull.

There are several commands that still need to be exposed through the web-API. There is a lot of room for improvement and optimization.

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