geogig-index-update documentation


geogig index update –tree <treeRefSpec> [–attribute <attributeName>] [–extra-attribute <attributeName>[,<attributeName]+] [–index-history] [–add|–overwrite]


Updates an index to contain a different set of extra attributes.


--tree <treeRefSpec>
 Defines the ref spec that resolves to the feature tree that is already indexed (e.g. HEAD:Points, Points, etc). If no commit is defined, HEAD will be used.
-a, --attribute <attributeName>
 Defaults to the primary geometry attribute on the feature type. The name of the attribute that is used on the existing index.
-e, --extra-attributes <attributes>
 Comma separated list of extra attribute names to hold inside index
 If specified, indexes will be rebuilt for all commits in the history.
--add If specified, new attributes will be added to the existing set of extra attributes.
--overwrite If specified, new attributes will replace the existing set of extra attributes.
--bounds If specified, the max bounds of the spatial index will be updated to this parameter. <minx,miny,maxx,maxy>


Discussion is still open.

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